Mandy Bishop’s world-beating bike: the finishing touches

29th June 2022
Proudly sporting its 1982 race number, the bike looks better than ever

Mandy Bishop has sent us these pictures of her world championship-winning bike from 1982, now fully restored and ready to ride.

“I managed to dig out my original crash hat, and my husband Nigel found some original Duegi shoes in my size online!” says Mandy. “Also, the bike now has the original race number on it.”

We think adding the race number from the world championships at Goodwood is the perfect finishing touch to what was already a superb restoration, masterminded by Brian Digby of Classic and Vintage Cycles.


“I have not had a chance to ride it, mainly because I only have one set of tubular tyres, which were extremely hard to get hold of and I don't want to puncture them,” Mandy explains. “Nigel is going to build another pair of wheels for tyres and tubes.”

Like everyone else, we’re disappointed that we won’t be seeing Mandy’s bike this August, but we hope she will bring it back to Goodwood for next year’s event.

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