Revival 1998 Stream timetable

19th June 2020
Ben Miles

The first ever Goodwood Revival began in 1998 – exactly 50 years to the day after the Goodwood Motor Circuit opened for the first time. It was an incredible event, opened with a monologue from the one and only Murray Walker.


When we were pulling together a list of potential streams to keep you all going through the hinterlands of no-motorsport lockdown, showing the first Revival was right up the top. The only problem was how? The Revival wasn’t streamed live in 1998 like it is now, so it was filmed with TV highlights in mind. So would there even be enough footage?

Well, yes, and no. There is more than enough footage to show the best racing of the weekend – including the first GT big banger race for the RAC TT Celebration, St. Mary’s Trophy for touring cars and Glover Trophy for stunning ‘60s F1 machines. But we were left missing some races. So what we did was bring together everything we have.

As a result, it’s slightly shorter than our normal streams – on from 10am-4pm rather than 5pm – but still includes 10 awesome races and a brilliant air display and driver celebration. And who would the first ever Revival driver parade celebrate? Sir Stirling Moss of course.

Read the full Revival 1998 Stream timetable here!

Main image courtesy of Motorsport Images.

  • Revival

  • Revival 1998

  • 1998

  • Timetable

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    Goodwood Revival

    Video: Revival 1998 full stream

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    Goodwood Revival

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