On the 75th anniversary of the end of war in Europe, we put on a live stream, representing day of Goodwood’s first Speed Weekend. We also asked you to donate to the NHS Charities’ urgent COVID-19 appeal, and you did in your droves.
You helped raise over £13,000 for the fund over the course of our stream, which featured races from the last 27 years of the Goodwood Revival, alongside some stunning Revival parades and flying displays.
Here are some of our highlights from today, including the beautiful Battle of Britain Memorial Flight’s display of Lancaster, Spitfires and Hurricanes, the mighty 2017 St. Mary’s Trophy battle, some stunning pre-war machinery and more. It was a fabulous day of action and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed bringing it to you.
Remember to join us over the weekend for two more days of action. With Saturday bringing a day of “Goodwood Firsts” and Sunday “Goodwood’s Fastest” it’s set to be a bumper bank holiday weekend. Please do keep donating if you can to the COVID-19 appeal as every penny helps, you can donate by following this link: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/ClapForOurCarers
GRRC Replay
Speed Weekend
VE Day