[Video] On board Revival's most dramatic moment!

07th November 2016
Ben Miles

Just imagine the moment. You've been engaged in an awesome battle between your E-Type, a mighty Corvette and a rare Ferrari 250 GTO, suddenly a gap opens up next to the E-Type as you enter Woodcote, so of course you point the Jag's nose into it and go for the overtake.

But as quickly as the gap appears, it closes. What do you do? Thankfully for us Richard Meins was quick whitted enough to avoid contact, slewing the stunning E-Type sideways to miss the £30million GTO by inches. An incredible moment, was it the most dramatic of the whole Revival?

  • Revival

  • Revival 2016

  • Jaguar

  • E-Type

  • Ferrari

  • 250 GTO

  • Chevrolet

  • Corvette

  • 2016

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