Video: Experience a pre-war Bugatti race with a 360-degree view

21st August 2020
Ben Miles

We’ve written recently about the best circuits in America (sorry Watkins Glen, we might have forgotten you). One of those circuits was the little wonder that is Lime Rock. And, if you were to pick your steed for an adventure round this small corner of Conneticut, you could do much worse than plonk yourself into a pre-war Bugatti. And that is exactly where we find Goodwood regular Charles Knill-Jones, in the middle of an all-Bugatti battle in this wonderful 360-degree video.

The sound is not amazing, and the quality of 360-cameras has come on a lot in the last few years, but the sights are wonderful. Allowing you to enjoy the race from basically every angle. You can pick from watching the front wheels swing back and forth as they manage the slide of this lovely old Bugatti, or looking at Knill-Jones himself as he drifts his steed around the sweeps and climbs of Lime Rock. You can also marvel at the amazing array of machines on show, as Knill-Jones is already catching and lapping traffic within three minutes of racing – Lime rock is 1.5 miles long, so it takes very little time to catch slower cars.

Welcome to Goodwood Elevenses, a mid-morning helping of motoring-related amusement to help break up your day. Watch the last video: Listen to the screaming DFV of a Ligier F1 car

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Video: Experience a pre-war Bugatti race with a 360-degree view

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