Video: What is The Mitty?

04th May 2017
Ethan Jupp

What is The Mitty? For those that have been consuming some of the awesome content that we put out on-event, (including those in the GRR office not lucky enough to go!) in truth, it hasn’t really mattered!

An army classic RSR Porsches of all eras, awesome GTP weapons, quintessential monstrous American Muscle and stunning prototypes going all-out at Road Atlanta has kind of kept us occupied (and jealous)!

Now that the team’s back home, all the cars have scarpered and we’ve had a chance to collect ourselves, we’re curious. What’s the deal? What is The Mitty? As if we could want justification to bring together all these awesome cars, but we can’t help but ask. Watch, in the video above, as the men behind The Mitty give us the lowdown on what was an absolutely spectacular event. 

  • The Mitty

  • Road Atlanta

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Goodwood Revival Racing Experience