At what point do you decide that your hobby has gotten too extreme? Perhaps when your car payment is more than your mortgage? Perhaps when you have more cars than rooms in your house? Perhaps when one of those rooms contains a borderline intestinal Scalextric track snaking all the way around it with three or four layers on top of itself?
It’s the latter we’re exploring in today’s video and to answer the question, Scalextric only gets more awesome the more you take it to the extreme. Watching this really triggers our anxiety, given a tumble off the top layer in the middle will see that car tumble to the depths and possibly be irretrievable, save for dismantling the labyrinth or sending a small child on a rescue mission. We then noted the rickety selection of leaning legs at varying heights, holding up the different layers, which include a four-layer spiral. Not something you’d actually want to go down at speed for real. Honestly? We’re so incredibly jealous. Stelvio, eat your heart out.
Welcome to Goodwood Elevenses, a mid-morning helping of motoring-related amusement to help break up your day. Watch the previous video: Video: Chasing Mad Mike in a helicopter