Video: Utterly ludicrous drag monsters threaten to take off

26th October 2023
Simon Ostler

Every time we come across a drag racing video it makes us reconsider our rankings of the coolest things we’ve ever seen. In these 16 minutes of craziness, there’s what looks to be a heavily modded Chevrolet Sportvan with flame throwers for exhausts spitting flames six feet into the air. A bit of research shows that this astonishing thing, known as ‘The Mullet Machine’, actually has quite a following on the world wide web. Oh, it can also do wheelstands. What will the world come up with next?

The chaos doesn’t stop there either. For this typical American drag meet has brought together a whole host of utterly barmy contraptions that can only very loosely be referred to as cars. With bodywork that only sometimes conceals an engine, and front wheels that often do little other than provide an (almost) solid base to stand on. Not that they’re needed particularly often, as the ungodly torque attempts to twist these bespoke dragsters inwards on themselves.

Another car that comes dangerously close to taking off is a Chevrolet 2, which picks up such a head of steam that its rear window is torn right from the frame. This is of course seen as a massive success by a clientele formed almost exclusively by people like us: absolute nutters.

If you love V8s so big they engulf the car they’re dropped into, with power so substantial the earth beneath them seems to melt, then these cars are bound to provide the perfect mid-afternoon respite.

Welcome to Goodwood Elevenses, a helping of motoring-related amusement to help break up your day. Watch the last video: Tackling the Corkscrew the wrong way at Laguna Seca

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