With conventional cars, road-testing convention applies when you’re putting a car through its paces. You might test the economy, comfort, ease of use and space in the cabin on an everyday commuter. If you’ve got something a bit fruitier, you test its performance. Take it round a track, do some 0-62 runs and so on.
However, every other blue moon, something completely off the scale comes along, and you have to figure out how to test it. For something like the Ariel Nomad, an economy or comfort test may not be fair, and simply taking it to a track probably wouldn’t do it justice. We wanted to test the Nomad right at home, but still present it and, as you can see in the video above, us, with a challenge. Mud, sweat and spills ensue, as GRR’s Ben Miles and Henry Hope-Frost go head to head to give the Nomad everything on our off-road course. It really is the off-road supercar!