Breakfast Club is held on four Sundays across the event season at Goodwood, usually from May to August.
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Public car parks open at 7.30am for each Breakfast Club event. Entry to the event is from 8.00am and the event finishes at 12 noon. Attendees do not have to stay for the duration of the event. If you arrive before the gates open at 8am you will be asked to wait in the car park – please do not congregate along the roads leading to the Motor Circuit as this is dangerous. Please respect and follow the Marshals instructions.
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On arrival at Breakfast Club please follow the yellow event signs to get to the nearest public car park. All car parks are free. You will be directed by marshals, please follow their instructions closely and drive with due care and respect for other visitors and local residents.
Weather permitted, we have put in place a wet ground parking plan to ensure our customers have an enjoyable and risk-free experience. In the event of waterlogged car parks, Breakfast Club guests will be directed to car parks 8 & 9 at Goodwood Racecourse, which is only a couple of minutes up the road and then taken directly to the event via shuttle buses free of charge.
*Please note; you will be notified whether we will run wet or dry surface parking in the pre-event email sent the day before the event.
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Vehicles that display a valid Disabled Badge can access the Motor Circuit site with proximity parking offered approximately 50 metres from the main grid. There is level tarmac between this area of parking and the grid. Disabled toilet facilities are available in the Jackie Stewart Pavilion.
If attendees require assistance or a carer to join them at Breakfast Club, please contact the ticket office who will book an additional support ticket for the event. Please contact the team on 01243 755055.
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Yes of course! Please make sure you share them with us and other Breakfast Club enthusiasts on our Facebook page or by tagging us on Instagram.
We kindly ask that you do not congregate at the side of the roads on approach to the Motor Circuit to take photos as this is dangerous. Please respect and follow instructions from the Marshals.
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The display at Breakfast Club is a static display only, so there’s no driving apart from what we hope will be a delightful early-morning run to the Motor Circuit on some of Sussex’s finest roads. If you want to get behind the wheel, check out our Motor circuit driving experiences.
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Cars will be chosen from the Goodwood register of cars, so please make sure that you have updated the details of your cars and your contact details on your Goodwood account.
You can register to display your car at the GRRC Breakfast Club using the link on this page.
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We have given much thought and consideration to selecting a wide range and variety of cars. Some will be on the grid, some on the track and others in the Paddock areas. Your emailed pass may tell you whether your car is going to be parked on the grid, or whether it will be on the site (that is, the track or paddocks).
The marshals will direct you to your designated parking place on the day. Please comply with their directions. We realise that you might have a preference for where to park, but we will be dealing with a large number of cars and spectators, and we would be extremely grateful for your cooperation.
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Congratulations! You will receive your admission pass by email or by post. Please print out this pass and bring it with you on the day. On the day, marshals will direct you to your designated parking space.
Your pass will admit you (the GRRC member) plus your passengers.
You can arrive at the Motor Circuit FROM 7AM. Road signs will direct you to the Circuit gates for display cars. Please be aware that if you arrive before 7am, you might not be admitted to the Motor Circuit or if you are admitted, you may be asked to gather in the Chicane car park before being directed to your parking place. You may arrive at any time between 7am and 9am. You may leave when ready, but we strongly encourage you not to move your car before about 11am as this can be dangerous. If it is imperative that you leave before this time, you must ensure that a marshal is present before you move your car. Simply driving out can endanger spectators.
When you enter the circuit, you may be directed to a holding area in the Chicane paddock until it is safe for you to drive to your designated parking place. Please comply with the instructions of our marshals; their job is to ensure everyone’s safety.
If your guest(s) cannot travel in the same car, please contact the GRRC team (01243 755057 or via email at to request an additional vehicle pass. This vehicle will need to park in the public car park.
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Please ensure that you print out your site or grid pass in good time and keep it with your vehicle. It must be clearly displayed on your windscreen to gain access. The Marshals will only allow access to vehicles with these passes and if you forget yours, you will not be granted access to the site.
If you are having difficulty printing your email, click on the 'Display email in browser' link at the bottom of the email. When it appears on your screen, hover your cursor over it and right click using your mouse or trackpad. This should bring up a menu containing the command 'Print'. This will bring up a print preview so that you can check that all looks ok. If you cannot see the blue or green background colour in the top half of the email, please look for a box marked 'Display background graphics' (sometimes found under 'More properties') and ensure that it is ticked. If all looks good, press print.
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We understand how disappointing it can be if your car has not been selected for display. However we typically receive multiple applications for most makes and models of car, and therefore we ask you to please respect our decision - we do consider all applications carefully.
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Please contact the Breakfast Club team as soon as possible to let us know. You can email
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A site pass means your car has been accepted to form part of the display. This pass grants you access to the Motor Circuit where you will be directed to park in the general track area or any of the outer paddock areas including the Old Control Tower Car Park and Assembly and Parc Ferme Areas. Please pay close attention to their instructions and park only where directed to do so.
You MUST print out your pass and fully display it in your windscreen on the day of the event to gain access to the Motor Circuit.
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Cars of special interest, rarity, or the most special within the theme may be chosen for display on the Grid area of the Motor Circuit. This pass grants you access to the Motor Circuit where you will be directed to park on the Grid by our Marshals. Please pay close attention to their instructions and park only where directed to do so.
You MUST print out your pass and fully display it in your windscreen on the day of the event to gain access to the Motor Circuit.
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If you already have an account with all details included, you shouldn’t have any problem using your email address and your password to gain access to My Goodwood, where you can add/edit/delete vehicles and apply for your chosen event/s.
If you don’t already have a Goodwood account, please click visit and follow the links to “Register your Vehicle” as you will need to set this up. If you are having issues with registering your vehicle, please get in touch using the email address below.
Please note: Our system links to the DVLA website so if your car has been registered/changed hands very recently or has a foreign or no registration plate, you will have to contact us to make an application on your behalf.
*Please upload images no larger than 800 x 600 psi*
Our email address is:
Please use the above email for all communication regarding Breakfast Club and we very much look forward to seeing you during our 2023 season!
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Yes, tickets will be available from 27 March for 2025
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We look forward to welcoming you. Our car park opens from 6.30am and the gates will open to spectators at 8am. If you arrive earlier than 8am, please wait in the car park until the Circuit pedestrian gate opens.
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Well-behaved dogs on short leads are welcome. Please ensure that you clear up after your dog.
Please note that there are likely to be sudden, loud noises; please consider whether the event is suitable for your dog.
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In order to make sure that everyone who attends have an enjoyable and, most importantly, safe experience, we need to be aware of the number and details of on-site visitors and ensure that we don’t exceed the maximum number of visitors that the site and traffic management network can safely permit. We have made this decision in conjunction with our event operations teams and the local council.
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No. Breakfast Club remains a free event both to attend and bring a car to. All parking is also free. The only cost is if you wish to donate to our Estate Charity or purchase a tasty breakfast on the day. Ahead of each Breakfast Club, an allocation of free tickets will be made available and you will just need to sign up in advance to secure your place.
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Each adult will have to sign up to attend each Breakfast Club. This is due to the huge popularity of the events. Under-18s are not required to have a ticket but must be accompanied by a responsible adult. If you wish to bring friends or family with you who are over 18 they will need to sign up for a separate ticket.
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Yes. Under-18s are welcome to attend Breakfast Club – it’s a lovely family day out.
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Yes. You will need to sign up for a ticket for each event you wish to attend. The allocation of free tickets will be made available at the start of the year. Make sure you are always notified by signing up to our newsletter or by following us on Facebook or Instagram.
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Yes, make sure you are always notified by signing up to our newsletter or by following us on Facebook or Instagram.
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No, you will need to sign up for free tickets ahead of the event to make sure that you are guaranteed access. We cannot guarantee to be able to let people into the site once we have hit our safe capacity for the day.
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Registration to attend the GRRC-only Breakfast Club is now open to the GRRC community. Please note that you cannot register for the GRRC Breakfast Club on the public Breakfast Club pages.
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It’s a no-cost, open air motoring show where the visitors and their cars/bikes are the stars. Usually open to all, this exclusive event on 22nd June is only open to the GRRC community.
We will select a wonderfully diverse range of vehicles belonging to GRRC members to be displayed on the famous Goodwood Motor Circuit grid and in the historic Paddocks, and registration to attend is now open.
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This event takes place on Sunday 22 June 2025, from 7am until 12 midday. Car parks open at 6.30am.
Registration to attend as a spectator is now open.
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The spectator car park will open at 6.30am. Entry to the event for spectators is from 8.00am and the event finishes at 12 noon.
If you arrive before the gates open at 8am, you will be asked to wait in the car park, Please do not congregate along the roads leading to the Motor Circuit as this is dangerous. Please respect and follow the Marshals' instructions.
Display cars may be admitted from 7am but might be asked to congregate in the Chicane car park until marshals are ready to direct you to your display parking place. Please respect the marshals and comply with their instructions: we appreciate that you may have a preferred display spot but please be aware that it may not be safe or possible for you to park there.
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The GRRC themed Breakfast Club will consist of a display of a wide range of interesting cars and bikes, all belonging to current GRRC members and Fellowship. You will be able to walk the grid and view the array of vehicles in close proximity, in the company of other members of the GRRC community.
There will also be a range of food and drink options available to purchase, including:
• Aerodrome Café – breakfasts, drinks and other light meals
• Motor Circuit Café – Baps, cakes, teas, coffees
• The Horsebox – Toasties, teas, coffees, cakes
• NAAFI Wagon – Bacon and egg rolls, teas, coffees
• Jackie Stewart Pavilion - Full English breakfast, pastries, teas, coffees
• Concessions, including coffee vans, Oatopia and others
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On arrival at Breakfast Club, please follow the event signs to the free public car park. This is located in the field opposite the Motor Circuit. Should a wet weather parking plan become necessary, we will contact you by email the day before the event with alternative arrangements.
You will be directed by marshals. Please follow their instructions closely and drive with due care and respect for other visitors and local residents.
Vehicles that display a Blue Badge can access the Motor Circuit site with proximity parking offered approximately 50 metres from the main grid. There is level tarmac between this area of parking and the grid. Accessible toilet facilities are available in the Jackie Stewart Pavilion.
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Raising money for our Estate charity, Dementia Support, we're delighted to once again give visitors to the Goodwood Breakfast Clubs the chance to experience a passenger ride in their dream car.
We are looking to build up a database of dream cars for Supercar Sunday and subsequent Breakfast Clubs. If you own a car that others would love to have a passenger ride in, and would be prepared to take part in a future Sunday Drives event, please complete the form on this page.
If chosen, we will ask you to bring your car to the Motor Circuit for 7am on the morning of the Breakfast Club, and to be prepared to offer passenger rides (on a short route around the Goodwood Estate) until about 11am.
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At each of our Breakfast Clubs, we select the most interesting or unusual cars belonging to the GRRC community to display in the paddock shelters behind the Jackie Stewart Pavilion.
There's no action needed to be considered for this exclusive area - simply register your car for display at the most appropriate Breakfast Club, and we will do the rest. If your car is chosen, we will contact you.
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